BREAKING: Russia Introduces Shared Values Visa (SVV) for Foreigners – Russia’s NEW Visa Policy

Russia New Visa Policy Shared Values Visa SVV Decree

Russia’s New Residency Program – Shared Values Visa (SVV) Starting September 1, 2024, Russia will launch a new residency program aimed at attracting foreigners who share the country’s “traditional values.” The program, called the Shared Values Visa (SVV), will allow individuals to apply for residency without needing to pass Russian language history exams. Russian President … Read more

Russia New DECREE in English Language – New Visa Policy – Residency Policy

Russia New DECREE

Russian president Vladimir Putin approves a NEW VISA POLICY dated 19th Aug, 2024. It is a residency program without the need of Russian Language and History exams. Below is the English translation of the original Decree in Russian Language. **This English version of the Original Decree is only for the information purpose. Those who do … Read more